Tooth Ache & Tooth Infection Treatment - Online Dentist

By board certified, American trained primary care physicians.

We Treat Tooth Aches and Tooth Infections Online

A tooth infection can lead to a tremendous amount of pain, but it’s not always possible to see a dentist right away, whether because of finances, time constraints, or other accessibility issues. Fortunately, physicians at make it possible to find tooth infection treatment online so you can get the help you need fast. This can be incredibly important because, besides the obvious pain associated with having a tooth infection, there can be other complications, and it’s important to clear up a tooth infection as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues and even into the jaw. In serious scenarios, people can become extremely ill because of tooth infections. Fortunately, with tooth infection treatment online, this doesn’t have to happen.


See an Online Dentist or Doctor for Your Toothache

If you feel pain in or around your teeth, it is likely generally referred to as a toothache and it’s time to see a dentist. Web doctors have online dentists to diagnose and treat toothaches and infections by prescribing pain relief and infection-fighting anti-biotics until you can get to a physical dentist.

There are Multiple Different Causes of Toothaches, Including:

• Infected gums
• Trauma to the mouth
• Consistently grinding your teeth or chewing gum
• A filling that becomes damaged
• Abscessed tooth
• A fractured tooth

Regardless of the cause of your toothache, it can make chewing, talking, or even opening your mouth difficult. You shouldn’t have to endure this type of pain! With an online appointment from our doctor on demand, we can prescribe antibiotics to help you with a toothache while you are waiting to see your dentist. You will get the quality care that you need from the comfort of your own home, avoiding busy waiting rooms, and coordinating an appointment with an in-person professional.

Symptoms of Tooth Abscess

It is important to be aware of the symptoms of a tooth abscess so that you can get the proper treatment. Pain is one of the most common symptoms of a tooth abscess; it may appear as sharp, throbbing, or constant pain. Some people who are suffering from a tooth abscess may only feel pain when pressure is applied to the tooth.
Other symptoms of tooth abscesses include swelling that occurs around a particular tooth, fever, headaches, or drainage that comes from an infected tooth that has a foul taste.

Finding Online Toothache Treatment

There are many things that are important to know when attempting to treat a toothache or tooth infection. One of those things is this: what is the best antibiotic for a tooth infection? It’s important to understand not all antibiotics are the same. When choosing an antibiotic to treat tooth infection, a doctor or dentist must choose one that is appropriate for the bacterial infection that is the source of the problem in the tooth. One of the common antibiotics used for treating tooth infections are amoxicillin, clindamycin, and metronidazole, which are able to combat the bacterial infection that causes tooth infections more effectively than other types of antibiotics.

When to Seek Help

You may be tempted to tough out the pain and assume that it will go away. In some cases, your pain may subside, but in others, you’ll need to turn to a professional. Make sure to seek professional help if your toothache has lasted longer than 1-2 days or if you have a fever, earache, or pain when you open your mouth.
When you have a tooth infection, the physicians at can initiate treatment with antibiotic while you are waiting to see the dentist. Please keep in mind that you will still need to see your dentist for definitive treatment like tooth extraction, root canal, or filling up cavities.

How to Get Your Prescription Online

With, you no longer have to make a costly appointment and wait hours, days or even weeks to see a doctor or dentist to get the medication you need to take care of a toothache or tooth infection. You can get toothache relief from the comfort of your home so long as you have an Internet connection simply by registering with us and connecting with one of our doctors. We will help you get a prescription online to take care of your dental problem, so you can move on and take care of other things in your life. With our online doctors, you don’t have to worry about the possibility of living with a problem that continues to get worse or pain that won’t get any better.

Personalized Medical and Dental Care

To keep your pain from getting any worse, make sure to contact our team when you feel a toothache forming. We strive to provide all of our patients with the individualized care that they need, and we know that treatment is not one-size-fits-all.
Let us help you. If you need a prescription for a tooth abscess that won’t go away, connect with one of our online doctors so you can get the relief you have been searching for. Contact our team at today.

How Are Toothaches & Tooth Infections Diagnosed?

Nobody should suffer the pain of a toothache or tooth infection. At WebDoctors, we provide prompt, effective online treatments for toothaches and tooth infections. We diagnose dental issues all from the comfort of your home.

Understanding the cause of your toothache or tooth infection is crucial for effective treatment. At WebDoctors, our custom online diagnosis process is thorough yet straightforward:

  • Consultation: You’ll discuss your symptoms and dental history with an experienced online dentist during your virtual appointment.
online toothache prescription
  • Visual Examination: We may ask you to provide close-up images of your affected tooth or area to assess the need for antibiotics.
  • Prescription Solutions: If an infection is confirmed, a prescription for medicine or antibiotics can be issued immediately, ensuring swift relief and recovery.

This streamlined process ensures you receive the correct diagnosis and treatment without needing a physical visit with a dentist.

How To Prevent Toothaches & Tooth Infections

We believe in preventing problems before they start. Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy mouth and avoid common dental problems:

  • Regular Oral Hygiene: Brush twice daily, floss every day, and use mouthwash to clean and disinfect.
  • Routine Dental Check-Ups: Even with online services, regular check-ups with a dental professional are crucial. They help catch potential issues before they become serious.
  • Mind What You Eat: Sugary and acidic foods can harm teeth. Opt for better foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts.
  • Protecting Teeth: If you’re grinding your teeth while asleep, consider using a mouth guard to prevent wear and damage.


Implementing these simple habits can reduce your risk of developing toothaches and infections.

What We Do

If you currently suffer from a toothache, don’t wait for your condition to worsen. WebDoctors offers a quick, reliable way to consult with a dentist online and receive the necessary prescription antibiotics directly from your pharmacy.

Our convenient and highly effective dentist saves you time and provides relief faster than traditional methods. Our online dentist handles dental emergencies with the utmost care and professionalism.

Call WebDoctors Now

Say goodbye to the hassle of scheduling in-office visits and enjoy fast, reliable dental care at your fingertips. With WebDoctors, expert dental advice and treatment are just a click away.

Don’t let dental pain disrupt your life. Schedule your online appointment today if you need prescription antibiotics for a toothache or tooth infection.

Explore our other services, including ear infection and pink eye treatment, and keep your general health in check. WebDoctors is here to help you feel better faster.